Blog Posts

Tend to your heart on all levels- SoMEBo blood pressure cholesterol diabetes heart disease natural naturopath naturopathic prediabetes stress


Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the US with a higher rate in men. 1 in 4 men die each year from heart disease with an average of 700,000 deaths or 29% of all deaths in the US. What’s even more surprising is that for most people, symptoms aren’t...

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Breathing your way to health blood pressure cholesterol diabetes heart disease mens health naturopath testosterone

You do it all the time without even thinking about it. In fact, you are doing it right now. It is one of the most powerful tools we have in recovering our health and it’s free. If you haven’t guessed by now, we’re talking about breathing and breath work. It may be obvious to you...

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There is a better way to help people recover their health autoimmune cancer diabetes mens health metabolic syndrome naturopathic testosterone

The current medical model is responsible for more deaths in the United States than all of the major wars of the last century combined! Estimates of 250,00 up to 440,000 people die each year from medical mistakes.1,2,3 Medical mistakes, termed iatrogenic in the medical world, are now the 3rd...

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Building skeletal muscle is essential for your health diabetes mens health metabolic syndrome oregon portland testosterone

Skeletal muscle is a vital system of our bodies. Beyond allowing us to move our bodies and maintain our posture and balance, it creates our breath and protects vital organs. It also generates heat needed for our body as well as is a huge player in our hormonal regulation as it exerts effects on,...

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How diabetes, high blood glucose and insulin-resistance lowers testosterone in men

"I am tired, I don't have the energy I did when I was younger. My sex drive is lower. I have a hard time getting an erection and sustaining it. I have been more irritable and short with the people I care about in my life." These are all symptoms that many men complain of. Often our medical...

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Prescription drug side effects for diabetes and heart disease are more influential then you think

65% of the American population take at least one prescription medication. 40% of older adults in our country take five or more prescription medications. While these numbers are astounding to me, you might think this is "normal" due to the normalization of using ongoing prescription drugs as a...

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The importance of strength training on regulating diabetes and blood sugar problems

Exercise and movement have always been a foundational health principle. Often times we get confused as to what is the best type of exercise for our own unique health conditions. When you are dealing with blood sugar problems such as pre-diabetes, diabetes or insulin resistance, strength training...

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Is your house making you sick?

Tired of the winter blues? Here in Oregon, we just started to see our first sunny days of the year. With the emergence of the sun and better weather, the natural inclination is to be outside and enjoy the world. If you don’t feel that way, there may be a reason why. The fatigue and...

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